About Us
WordPress should not be expensive
Most people are familiar with the term ‘ open source ‘. Open source means free software or code. You are free to use, copy, modify, improve or redistribute open source software as you wish.
WordPress is open source software and is based on the GPL (General Public License) as stated on the license page of the WordPress website .
The most important thing to note is that any software built on WordPress will also carry the original GPL license.
… We strongly believe that add-ons and themes are derivative works and therefore they take over the GPL license.
– wordpress.org
What does this mean for you
This does not mean that developers cannot request the purchase of code they have developed. This means that after purchasing this code, we are free to do what we want with it.
if you distribute copies of such a program free of charge or for a fee, you must give buyers all rights you have. You should also make sure that they can or can also get the source code. You must also show them these terms so that they know their rights.
– GPLv3 license
So, downloading plugins and themes from this site is completely legal. Download as many as you want and use them in as many projects as you want.
Please note – a short disclaimer
The main difference between us and the developer is that we do not offer any support. This allows us to redistribute plug-ins and themes at a lower price than the original price.
So if you think you need ongoing technical support for a product, you can consider purchasing it directly from the developer. The product pages contain the internet address of each developer.
The support terms of the software may sometimes change, so be sure to check what you pay for when you purchase the product directly from the developer.
We think we have made it clear: While the products in Themenvato are original products, we are not the original developers. We redistribute the software only under the GPL license, which we also have the right to. But in order to avoid suspicion or confusion:
We do not have any affiliation or relationship with any company related to the products offered on this site and we do not have any approval or support from these companies. Company names on our site are for our customers to know the original source of the product completely. Our customers have the choice to purchase a product from us or from the developer.
For more information about Themenvato and GPL licensing, please visit our FAQ . If you have any questions, please Contact us .